Legal Intelligence

We can assist you in preventing fraud or abuse of legal issues

Due diligence: ensure your transactions and identify risks

Prevent fraud or abuse of legal personality. Unfortunately the fraud committed by companies is a common practice. Our firm can assist you in checking the backgrounds of individuals and legal entities, identification of managers, partners, beneficiaries or company drivers, litigation, registration history of real estate, property boundary, the verification of lawful origin of goods or services (picture copyrights, trademarks, patents).

Anti-corruption practices

Prevent sanctions and identify the legality of the actions or payments to third parties. Check advocacy, project management, competition in public tenders or requests permission or licenses within the framework of law. Implement internal controls required to maintain an adequate system to record your transactions.

Our analysis of irrigation allows you to detect and prevent corrupt practices in dealings with third parties and identify all related parties in a transaction and the hidden beneficiaries in societies and make sure there is no conflict of interest or improper payments.

If there is a potential risk or questionable transaction we can assist in an objective and internal investigation into the nature of the transaction and related parties, identifying the reason for the transaction and its correspondence with the cost benefit. Our firm has alliances with other firms in the international context to verify in transnational transactions related parties.

Prevention of money laundering

The founding partner of the firm is a specialist certificate in preventing money laundering, founding Co-President of the Mexico Chapter of ACAMS (Association of Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialists). The firm is known for the design, review of manuals or risk control programs and prevention of money laundering and compliance audit manuals and process control. Also, for an opinion as an expert on this subject.